Krishnalaya Improvements
With your timely support through your donations, Chinmaya Mission West has started the Krishnalaya improvements – THANK YOU!
Below is a status of the improvements:
- Fenced and installed gates to the property
- Changed all non-working faucets and shower heads in rooms
- Efficient toilets replaced inefficient ones in rooms
- Replaced all beds with new twin beds, mattresses and pillows and bedding
- Modernized the Audio/Video system in the Shruti lecture hall
- new controller room with window
- new wiring
- 2 – 85” TV monitors
- Extra mics, speakers, etc.
- Remodeled the office
- Created a reception area
- Added a new welcome sign
- Installed new AC/Heat Pump units in all bedrooms without units
- Build a cemented ramp entrance to Ram Dham
- Added a new larger washer/dryer for the laundry room
In Progress:
- Remodeling of Krishna Dham
- Gutters for all building
- Bookstore in the lobby entrance of Shruti lecture hall
Futures projects:
- Convert current bookstore/storage to 2 classrooms
- Create media center in Chinmaya Darshan
- Install AC/Heat pump: Chinmaya Darshan and rooms #1, 4, 5 & 6
- Add a storage shed for outdoor chairs, and miscellaneous items
- Add a new CMW Sign at entrance
- Add ironing/folding shed next to laundry room
- Fix Room #17 for use
- Add bamboo vegetation behind outside Krishna murti
- Pave the road and parking
- Add a Commercial dish washer
Should you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us through this email: .